Author guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to the ECR should be prepared using the GUIDELINES discussed below.

Author Guidelines:

Contributors to ECR should adhere to the following basic requirements:

Abstract: 250 words and not more than 8 keywords.

Title page: should include title, name/s of authors and their institutional affiliations, and ORCID numbers). To authors who have not registered for ORCID credentials, please register at

Length: 7 500 words (including tables, figures & graphs).

Format: A4 paper with 2.5cm margins all around; Arial font 12pt;1.5 line spacing.

Structure: Introduction, background, and aim; Literature review and theoretical framework; Research objectives, questions, or hypotheses; Methodology; Results; Analysis; Recommendations and conclusions; Limitations; Acknowledgments.

Tables and figures: Tables of results and figures must be inserted appropriately in the main text. 

Ethical statement: Where applicable, authors will be required to submit Ethical clearance Certificate obtained to conduct the study

Referencing: All citations must be referenced, and the contributors should adhere to the APA format.

Language: The journal welcomes submissions of articles written in UK English (e.g., analyse, not analyze; minimise, not minimize).

Submissions and Inquiries: Manuscripts should be submitted on the journal website as word document attachments.


Acknowledgments must be added after references at the end of the article. Authors are advised to keep acknowledgments brief and must not include anonymous referees. Acknowledgments are to be used to grant funders, logistical support, and permission to conduct the study.


The reference list should begin on a separate page. The number of references is limited to 30 for Research articles, 25 for article reviews, and 20 for case studies.

Authors should ensure that all sources mentioned in their work are reflected on the reference list. The sources used should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the surnames of the authors.

The Extended Curriculum Review does not do copy editing for authors. The ECR uses the APA referencing style; no other style will be permitted.


For more information, please contact the Editorial Office on