Review process

Publication policy:

The ECR is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes two issues annually (March and August). The ECR also publishes special issues pertaining to a related theme that falls within the ambits of the journal.

The types of papers accepted in the journal are:

  1. Research Papers: that are data-driven
  2. Review Papers: a systematic review of the literature that discusses the understanding of contemporary issues of teaching in Extended Curriculum Programmes (ECP) at institutions of higher learning.
  3. Case Studies: illustrating ECP and its applications.

Peer Review process:

The manuscript is submitted on the ECR website and received by the editorial office to check if it falls within the scope of the journal. Manuscripts that are not within the scope of the journal or do not meet the journal standards will be rejected. The author will receive communication within three days of submitting the manuscript stating whether the manuscript falls within the ambits of the journal or not. Two anonymous reviewers will be assigned to review the manuscript if it falls within the ambits of the journal.

Reviewers are expected to review the manuscripts within four weeks. Manuscripts are sent with a reviewer form, which requires reviewers to provide a recommendation about the publication of a manuscript according to the following list of options:

  • Accept without revisions
  • Accept with minor revisions
  • Major revisions required for acceptance
  • Reject

Reviewers may provide comments on the manuscript. The comments are based on the content, methodology, data collection, conclusion, etc.

The reviewer's feedback will be sent back to the authors so that the suggested changes can be made.

Once the authors amend the changes suggested by reviewers, the manuscript will be sent to a professional language editor, then sent to authors to amend accordingly. Following that will be type-setting of the articles into a full issue, and then publishing on the website.

Open access:

The ECR is published in an open-access format. This allows free access to the articles published in the journal. All published articles are freely available on the journal website and Google Scholar.  There are no publication fees to process the publication of manuscripts by authors.


All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using Turnitin software. The manuscript will be rejected if the Turnitin report is more than 15% higher.

Copyright and Licensing

Articles and reviews in ECR reflect the opinions of the contributors. The authors retain the copyright of all published papers.